A section of bulky, heavy plate made of metal mounted on the front of the machine is called the dozer blade. The main job of the blade is to push some part of the ground whether it is sand, dirt, or construction and household debris.
Front dumps have the following classification: “U-blade”, ‘S-blade’, ‘SU-blade’. The S blade is the shortest and does not have any curvature, unlike the U blade, which is a rather curved plate with considerable height. The SU blade, judging even by its name, combines the features of the two previous types of moldboards and has curvature and medium height. Types of bulldozers. Bulldozers are classified into three groups by purpose and for the purpose of work.
The first group contains bulldozer machines equipped with basic moldboards. The second group includes bulldozers with a special purpose, equipped with special specialized blades. Each of the bulldozers in this group is needed to perform narrow profile works. The third group of bulldozers includes multi-purpose machines. In such cases, special working equipment is mounted on the rear of the machine, for example, chain trencher and plow blade for cable laying, ripping unit and traction winch and others.
Notable features of bulldozers.
Throughout the history of the existence of bulldozers, they had a single main task - the movement of voluminous, large loads over small distances. In this they are often helped by renting a truck crane. The difference from loaders, which can be used for the same purposes, is that when moving, the bulldozer pushes the entire necessary mass without tearing it from the ground surface, while the loader raises the mass in the bucket.
Despite the fact that the speed of movement of the loader is higher than that of a bulldozer (especially crawler), it needs to perform unnecessary actions, namely loading and unloading of soil. In turn, due to the minimum number of actions, the bulldozer performs this work faster and better, because when the blade is fixed, it is possible to remove the required layer of soil to a defined, clearly defined level