

Classes of truck cranes

If we talk about classes of truck cranes, we can distinguish the following main varieties:

- heavy-duty truck cranes;

- medium class truck cranes;

- small class truck cranes.

The load capacity of the first class of truck cranes is on average 40-250 tons. The use of classes when buying a truck crane or using the service of renting a truck crane, is determined only by the technical characteristics of the work being done. Most of the machines in this category are supplied to the Russian market from such countries as Germany, Japan, USA. The peculiarity of this type of equipment is their design and type of installation of the crane unit. Thus, there are cranes with a lattice, telescopic boom, with reverse or direct location of the crane installation, etc. Truck cranes with the highest lifting capacity are not characterized by a high speed of movement, since in this case this characteristic is not the main for them. Basically, this class of cranes is used to work on dispersed objects. They are characterized by large dimensions and their own weight, so when moving on the roads it is important to observe the speed limit.

Truck cranes of intermediate or intermediate class have recently found more and more application in installation works. First of all, this is due to the fact that from an economic point of view, cranes of the intermediate class are much cheaper than hydraulic manipulators used for similar purposes.

In addition, this type of special equipment justifies itself in the performance of small works, the frequency of which is much greater than that of extensive works. Finally, the small class of truck cranes, which are characterized not only by lower lifting characteristics, but also by small dimensions. Often autocranes of this class are called hydromanipulators, but such a definition is incorrect. The fact is that the latter differ from truck cranes by the element of power flow transfer, as well as by their own weight. And if we talk about the purpose of use, then, as well as hydraulic manipulators, truck cranes of small lifting capacity are mainly used for simple

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