

Liebherr's range of special-purpose machines

German company Liebherr manufactures special-purpose machinery of various types, from truck cranes to concrete mixers, quarry trucks and excavators.

The main part of the produced range of machines are tower cranes, which are represented by self-propelled, quick-erecting cranes, with a steerable boom mechanism and not only. Our company specializes in the rental of Liebherr.

Quick-mounted tower cranes Libherr have the following characteristics:

- 13 H and 13 NM range: maximum lifting capacity of 1.5 tons, boom outreach up to 22 meters;

- 26 H and 22 NM range: lifting capacity up to 2 tons, boom outreach up to 28 meters;

- 32 H and 32 TT: lifting capacity up to 4 tons, boom outreach up to 30 meters;

- K range: lifting capacity from 2.5 to 8 tons, jib outreach from 26 to 50 meters.

MK series is a range of self-propelled construction truck cranes with lifting capacity up to 8 tons, with maximum outreach for MK 63 - 36 meters, for MK 80 - 42 meters, for MK 100 - 52 meters, for MK 110 - 52 meters. Truck cranes with a steerable boom mechanism represent the HC-L series and include a number of models, different in maximum lifting capacity (from 12 to 54 tons) and boom outreach (from 50 to 65 meters).

Also the Liebherr truck crane range includes the EC-H FR.tronic, EC-H Litronic, EC-HM FR.tronic series of overhead slewing cranes, which are distinguished by increased technical characteristics and power (lifting capacity from 8 to 80 tons). The manufacturer Liebherr launches a special series of mobile cranes on crawler chassis in the R (max lifting capacity of 4 tons, outreach 26 m) and DR (10 tons) model ranges. The range of Liebherr self-propelled truck cranes consists of such machines as telescopic boom cranes, lattice boom cranes, telescopic construction cranes, compact truck cranes, tower, fire and military cranes.

In addition to truck cranes, the range of manufactured equipment includes a number of mixer trucks, various in capacity (up to 24 cubic meters), belt conveyors, screper systems and not only. The series of earthmoving machinery includes wheeled, crawler excavators, loaders, bulldozers, dump trucks, pipelayers, drilling machines and rigs, dump trucks. All machinery is presented in a wide range, differing in technical characteristics. Therefore, if you want to buy a particular special equipment from the German manufacturer, it is necessary to study the entire model range and choose the fleet composition, which will be considered the most rational in terms of the necessary performance characteristics in combination with the price.

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