For short distances, cement is transported from warehouses to consumers by means of cement trucks. These vehicles contain a tank with the necessary equipment for unloading, loading and transporting cement.
In case of unforeseen situations, a Liebherr truck crane for rent in Moscowch is used.
There is the following classification of cement trucks:
- by method of unloading (non-self-loading and self-loading)
- by load capacity (from 35 to 70, from 70 to 120 and more than 120 kN).
If the load capacity of the machine is 220-240 kN, they are used for long distances - up to 300 km. If cement needs to be transported to short distances, cement trucks with low load capacity of about 35 kN are required. Special equipment for unloading and picking up cement is installed in cement trucks, which makes it possible to pick up the material from any type of warehouses, including railroad trains. The design of cement trucks has its own peculiarities. The tanker of frameless load-bearing construction is mounted on the tractor at an angle of 6-7 degrees, which allows cement to go to the unloading device.
The tank is cylindrical in shape and its front part is supported on the tractor kingpin, while the rear part is attached via springs and brackets to the axles of running wheels. The upper hatches are used for cement loading. Moisture-oil separator, air piping system, service platforms and ladders are mounted on the outside of the tank. A rotary compressor is installed on the chassis of the vehicle, which provides the required pressure for unloading and loading of cement.
The working conditions of the workers are improved due to the self-loading device. Thus, cement losses are excluded and the vehicle can be loaded from any type of warehouses and barns, barges or railroad cars up to 5 m high with a feed of up to 25 m, unloading cement can be done with a feed of about 50 m. The compressor of the cement truck can be operated in dual mode. During unloading of cement the compressor operates in normal mode, and during loading - in vacuum pumping mode.
The truck is also equipped with a membrane-type signaling device, which provides protection against tank overloading and filter clogging. Cement is loaded according to the following scheme: the loading nozzle is closed, and then the compressor pumps air out of the tank. If the air pressure in the tank is rarefied to 0.05-0.04 MPa, the cement is additionally supplied with air from the atmosphere by means of a nozzle. The pressure difference between the cement and the tank interior ensures the cement flow through the transport pipe.