No matter how simple the mechanism of a mobile crane may seem, in fact, this machine is a complex system of numerous units and assemblies.
For each type of work requires a mobile crane with certain parameters, so when choosing equipment should pay attention to the following characteristics:
- lifting capacity. According to this feature, all truck cranes can be divided into several groups. The first group includes machines with load capacity up to 5 tons; the second group - 6-8 tons; the third group - 10-15 tons; the fourth - cranes capable of lifting and transporting loads weighing from 16 to 22.5 tons; to work with loads from 25 to 36 tons are used cranes of the fifth group; the sixth group - 40-56 ton cranes; the seventh group works with objects weighing 63-90 tons; and for loads of 100-120 tons is used powerful equipment from the 8th group.
- Boom outreach is one of the important parameters when choosing a truck crane. The boom is the main working mechanism of the machine. Its outreach is determined by the distance between the axis of rotation of the turntable and the axis of the load horizontally.
- Type of drive of the working mechanism. To date, the most common rental crane with a hydraulic drive. With hydraulic and electric drive lifting and slewing mechanisms of the machine are powered by separate motors, while with mechanical drive working equipment is powered by the engine of the crane. In most cases, however, all crane mechanisms are individually driven.
- the next parameter, which is often paid attention to when choosing a truck crane - is the transport speed. It should be noted that for heavy-duty cranes this parameter cannot be called the main one, as such truck cranes are designed to work on dispersed objects. Speed from 50 to 80 km per hour is optimal for cargo transportation on public highways, where it is necessary to comply with the speed limit.
Among the no less important characteristics of truck cranes, on which depends the efficiency of the technique, are such as the height of lifting the load, the radius of rotation of the crane unit, engine power and not only. When selecting special equipment for long-term service, it is important to make sure that all mechanisms are functioning properly, because this is what ensures the safety of the work performed.